Mingoy the Mingo Bus

Pre-pandemic, Mingoy the Mingo Bus brought nutritious hot meals to communities to many parts of Negros island. And it can visit other islands (such as Iloilo) which are accessible by the RORO ferry network.

Because the Mingo Bus has an on-board kitchen, we can prepare fresh meals on site.

Stuck at Home

Unfortunately, for most of the pandemic, the Mingo Bus stayed parked in its garage. A handful of times, it went out to pick up and deliver supplies and it was sometimes used as a roving community pantry. Residents would walk up to the service window to pick up fresh produce, dried fish, rice, bread and cheese. Our days of serving hot Mingo rice porridge, Mingo Buns and Mingo Meals on wheels were put on hold.

Locals line up for bags of veggies, rice, dried fish, bread and cheese during an NVC US-sponsored roving community pantry run.

Back on the Road Again!

We’re glad to report that the Mingo Bus hit the road again in July and it’s been busy ever since! Thanks to the generosity of donors, we’ve been bringing meals to communities in need. We serve Mingo rice porridge and Mingo buns. In addition to the snacks served, educational videos on good nutrition, quiz bees and prizes await the attendees.

Some sponsors ask for add-ons for sharelebrations! We’ve given away cupcakes to celebrate an 18th birthday. Another birthday celebrant gave away veggie bags at the end of her sharelebration.

Some local government units have rented the Mingo Bus to kick off their community Mingo Meals feeding programs. What a great way to start the kids off on the road to better nutrition!

Adults and children alike enjoy our Mingo Bus events and parties.

Please get in touch with us at info@nvcfoundation-ph.org if you’d like to learn how to sponsor a Mingo Bus trip.