With Mingoy, our roving community pantry, NVC Foundation can bring much needed food to many parts of Negros. Kind donors from all over fund these roving community pantry trips. Last month, NVC-USA sponsored a roving community pantry.
500 families were the beneficiaries of this community pantry. The families had been struggling to earn during the pandemic so they welcomed the food packs with open arms. We distributed fruits and vegetables, dried fish, rice, eggs, bread and spreads for their bread. The fruits and vegetables came from NVC Foundation’s small partner farmers while the dried fish came from Peter Project fishermen.
Our heartfelt thanks to all who made this possible. If you wish to get in touch with NVC-USA, please send a message to info@nvcfoundation-us.org. NVC Foundation-USA is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization. US-based donors can receive tax exemptions on donations they make to the foundation. NVC-USA raises funds through Facebook fundraisers, Amazon Smile and direct donations. Then they turn over 100% of all donations received to NVC Foundation in the Philippines for us to implement different projects on the ground.