September 2023 was a very hectic month for NVC, especially for the Artisans of Hope. We were busy preparing for the Negros Trade Fair, but we were also starting a very important mosaic art piece for a special client.

Six months later, the mosaic was finally turned over to our happy client. The art piece is now on display at the SixtyFifth Destination Resort Hotel (across the Bacolod New Government Center). Made out of upcycled Nespresso coffee capsules, the mosaic features a field of sugarcane. Overhead, nine birds fly. These birds represent the family’s patriarch (Don Fernando F. Gonzaga) and his siblings. The artwork is a reminder of Bacolod City’s days as the former sugar capital of the Philippines. Even now that this farmland has been transformed into a bustling city, we must always honor our roots.

Construction of the resort began when the family-owned real estate development firm celebrated its 65th anniversary.

If you ever find yourself in the City of Smiles, please drop by the SixtyFifth Destination Resort Hotel to check out this custom-made artpiece by our Artisans of Hope.